Waste to Energy – Solution for Tomorrow’s Energy

Municipal solid waste (MSW), often called garbage, is used to produce energy at waste-to-energy plants we specializes in design, installation, commissioning, and operation & maintenance of Biogas plants using the most diverse organic waste / feed stocks for generation of electricity, fuel, and bio-fertilizer. The company offers solutions, which are both economically and environmentally sustainable. The individual plant’s capacity range from 30 kVA to 125 kVA and 100 to 1000 M3 per day. The customers include:

  • Dairy Farms & Poultry Farms
  • Goshalas [Cattle Centres]
  • Food-Processing Industries
  • Municipalities
  • Educational institutions, colleges, universities, schools, etc.
  • Defense Establishments

Feed Stock

NEERU’s Bio digesters can handle & treat any organic solid waste for biogas generation. The most suitable feedstocks are:

  • Vegetable waste (uncooked) from market yards & kitchens
  • Food waste from canteens, messes, restaurants
  • Fruit waste
  • Wet municipal waste
  • Cattle dung & Poultry waste
  • Green garden waste / landscaping waste
  • Agricultural / crop residues
  • Agro-industrial waste


  • It is a self-promoting technology and avoids dependence on grid electricity
  • It is a renewal source of energy production
  • Biogas is clean and green energy, which avoids greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). It keeps environment clean and eco-friendly
  • The anaerobic ally treated manure is good compost and promotes organic farming. Helps in clean and green farm
  • It is a waste-to-energy product with significant economic benefits as it replaces grid electricity


Conversion of organic waste into biogas by Anaerobic Fermentation and the gas can effectively be utilized for generation of electricity and cooking fuel. The anaerobic ally treated manure is good compost and promotes bio manure.

Energy Generation

Sl. No. Biogas Plant capacity (m3/day) Replacement of LPG Kg/day Power Generation Unit Capacity KWh Electricity Generation kWh/day#
1 100 40 12 100-120
2 200 80 24 200-240
3 500 200 40 400-480
  • # 10 to 12 hours operation per day. The economic life-span of Biogas plant is 15-20 years, provided maintenance is carried out regularly.
  • Bio-manure production @33% dry weight basis of daily feed stock
  • As could be seen from the above, the investment on gas plant could be recovered within a short period of two years.